Local installation and deployment of HPC-toolkit

Extensive documentation for HPC-toolkit can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/hpc-toolkit/docs/setup/configure-environment Please consult the page before for further information. Clone the HPC-toolkit repository: git clone git@github.com:GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit.git A local folder will be created. Use the cd command to enter the folder: cd hpc-toolkit and run make

Create a .yaml file (that contains the infrastructure you want to deploy). An example of a yaml file can be found below:

Please pay special attention to editing the following: - instance image (ensure that your image has Python 3.9.x or above) if you change the current value - region and zone - disk size and type for the controller and compute nodes - disk size and type for the Filestore instance (optional) - content of the startup script

After you have made the desired changes to your yaml file, to deploy, simply run the following command: ./ghpc create test_tutorial_gitbook.yaml -l ERROR --vars project_id=your_project_ID After the yaml file has been validated, you will be prompted to follow the terraform instructions to deploy your infrastructure, namely: To deploy, run the following commands: terraform -chdir=hpc-ubuntu-2204/primary init terraform -chdir=hpc-ubuntu-2204/primary validate terraform -chdir=hpc-ubuntu-2204/primary apply To destroy, simply use the following command: terraform -chdir=hpc-ubuntu-2204/primary destroy -auto-approve

Last updated